Monday, May 24, 2021

Dinosaurian dick

 Body found inside Spanish Stegosaurus statue

 "Spanish police are investigating the death of a 39-year-old man whose body was found inside a dinosaur statue."

Of course, this blog has one focus, and that focus is not police investigation, no matter how tragic an event may be.  And a keen-eyed Redditor noticed this detail on a Bolivian news photo of the papier-mache Stegosaur in question:


Yup.  There it is.  Even this magnificent Jurassic specimen is not immune from being defiled with penis graffiti...

Friday, April 16, 2021

Meat spin

My kids correctly deduced that this piece of graffiti on local play equipment was something indecent. However, in their thankful innocence, they concluded that it was, and I quote, "poo coming out of a butt".  I did not correct them. 😆😆😆

Friday, March 26, 2021

Sailor's Delight

 I've covered some BIG sidewalk penises on this blog, but this is possibly the biggest, not to mention the most newsworthy, courtesy of the notoriously stuck mega-freighter Ever Given.